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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
6.1 NAVAIR Airwake Modeling
TitleNAVAIR Airwake Modeling
PresenterSusan Polsky
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe Navy requires that aircraft land, depart, and operate on and around Navy ships. These types of operations, sometime referred to as dynamic interface (DI), are limited to flight envelopes dependent on wind speed and direction. Wind speed and direction are important to DI operations because the airwake produced by the ship varies with these parameters and thereby affects the workload required of the pilot and flight control system. The work presented here details recent developments in NAVAIR's ship airwake prediction techniques and the tools to evaluate airwake effects on dynamic interface. Three major areas are covered: 1) development and validation of computation fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for ship airwake prediction, 2) integration of CFD ship airwake into the manned flight simulation (MFS) environment for manned and off-line dynamic interface modeling and 3) ongoing efforts to model the fully coupled aircraft and ship system. Current NAVAIR flight simulation tools apply the airwake in a one-way coupled sense such that the aircraft model is affected by the presence of the airwake; however, the airwake is not affected by the presence of the aircraft or it rotor/propulsion system.

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