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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
8.1 747 Large Cargo Freighter HQ
Title747 Large Cargo Freighter HQ
PresenterJeff Masters
Available Downloads*none
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe Boeing Dreamlifters are specially modified 747-400 airplanes for use in transporting 787 airplane structures from around the world to final assembly in Everett, Washington. Modified from used 747-400 passenger airplanes, two Dreamlifters have been built and two more are being built in Taiwan by Evergreen Aviation Technologies (EGAT). Begun in 2003, the design evolved from an oversized side cargo door to a fuselage stretch with a dramatic swing tail, which became the final configuration. Build challenges were plentiful, but first flight was achieved on September 9, 2006. The airplane ferried to Seattle, Washington on September 16, 2006 to begin the flight test program. A lateral oscillation problem was overcome to allow successful demonstration of all certification requirements. By all accounts, despite its appearance, the Dreamlifter flies just like the 747-400. FAA amended type certification was granted on June 2, 2007. This presentation will summarize the design, build and flight test certification program, with specific emphasis on the airplane control system changes and handling qualities compared to a standard 747-400.

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