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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
9.1 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
TitleMars Reconnaissance Orbiter
PresenterEric Schmitz
AffiliationLockheed Martin
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThis talk provides an overview of the early flight operations for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, a spacecraft developed at Lockheed Martin Space Systems for NASA-JPL and launched in August 2005. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) arrived at the Red Planet on March 10, 2006. Following a successful Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) maneuver, the LM-JPL operations team guided the spacecraft through six months of aerobraking, thereby achieving the final science orbit. MRO is equipped with a suite of six scientific instruments designed to provide unprecedented data return from Mars, including surface image resolution down to 30 cm. Over the first Mars year, the spacecraft is expected to return over 26 Tbits of data.
We present MRO’s significant mission events from an attitude control perspective, discussing some of the flight data and comparison with pre-flight dynamic analyses. These events include the Mars Orbit Insertion maneuver, an improved, more autonomous aerobraking approach, and transition to the science-collection configuration (including deployment of two 5-m radar antenna booms). Initial science imaging results are presented demonstrating MRO’s pointing accuracy and stability performance.

1. Chapel, J.D., Schmitz, E., Sidney W.P., Johnson, M.A., Good, P.G., Wynn, J.A., Bayer, T., “Attitude Control Performance for MRO Aerobraking and the Initial Science Phase ,” Proceedings of the 30th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Feb 2007.
2. NASA JPL MRO website:
3. Hirise Instrument website:

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