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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
9.3 Precision Guidance Kit for 155mm Artillery
TitlePrecision Guidance Kit for 155mm Artillery
PresenterJohn Weyrauch
Available Downloads*none
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAn over view of the US Army Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) program was presented. The program is being lead by PM CAS (Combat Ammunition Systems) at Picatinny Arsenal and is being executed by Alliant Techsystems Advanced Weapons Division in Plymouth, MN. The PGK is a combined fuze and guidance kit that screws into the standard 155mm projectile fuze well and converts a ballistic projectile into a precision guided munition. PGK has the potential to turn every existing 155mm projectile in the US Army inventory into a precision guided weapon. The ATK PGK design has only one moving part – the fixed incidence angle fin 4 fin canard shell.

The PGK uses a GPS receiver to sense projectile position and velocity and to determine when the GPS antenna is aligned up (opposite to the gravity vector). The only other sensor in the system is an optical encoder that counts revolutions of the control canard shell. The canard shell includes an alternator that provides operational electrical power and also acts as the motor that controls the position of the canard shell in inertial space.

The Phase 1 SDD program has successfully completed PDR and is on track for CDR in July 2008 with the Milestone C decision leading to initial production scheduled for March 2009.

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