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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
4.1 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.1.6 DLR DLR
PresenterKlaus–Uwe Hahn
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractDLR is Germany's national research centre for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, transportation and energy is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany's Space Agency, the German federal government has given DLR responsibility for the forward planning and implementation of the German space programme as well as international representation of Germany's interests.

The DLR Institute of Flight Systems is doing long term engineering research in the area of aeronautics at a level of pre-industrial development. The respective activities cover the whole chain modelling, simulation, synthesis/analysis, integration, demonstration, and evaluation of flight vehicles and their subsystems. The particular research activities are manifold.

The institute has a sound experience in non-linear mathematic modelling using parameter/system identification methodologies providing Level D simulator quality (if required). The analysis and assessment of flight vehicles regarded to be a system of subsystems gives special attention to the man-machine interaction with the goal to improve the respective interfaces. The consideration of handling qualities forms the basis for the development of easy controllable and safe aircraft. Special attention is given to the tendencies of more and more autonomous functions to increase vehicle autonomy. The research includes the pilot’s role in highly automated systems. At the end of all research activities the final objective is the flight demonstration by taking advantage from DLR’s flight test fleet. The flight test department offers among other testbeds the fly-by-wire/fly-by-light fixed wing and helicopter in-flight-simulators ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft Systems, VWF614 aircraft) and FHS (Flying Helicopter System, EC 135 helicopter) for technology and/or procedure demonstration.

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