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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies Barron Associates
TitleBarron Associates
PresenterDavid Ward
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractBarron Associates, Inc. reported on a number of recent and ongoing controls projects, including:
• Adaptive Control of Morphing Aircraft: Adaptive control is being applied to aircraft with changing wing shapes to ensure stability and performance during wing morphing. Work is proceeding toward closed-loop wind-tunnel experiments.
• UAV Upset Recovery Control System: Reinforcement-learning-based path planning and control are being developed to prevent and recover from UAV upset conditions. Of particular interest are shipboard landing applications. Phase II will conclude with flight tests using NASA AirSTAR (GTM) testbed.
• Damage Adaptation using Integrated Structural, Propulsion, and Aerodynamic Control: Integrating diagnostics (including structural diagnostics) into adaptive control to ensure operation is stable and stays in a safe envelope in the presence of effector, structural, and propulsion failures.
• Integrated, Adaptive, Guidance & Control:
o Current AFRL BAA with Boeing is looking at reentry portions of flight.
o Current AFRL BAA with NGC is looking at launch and ascent portions of flight – including launch abort and return-to-base.
o Current AFRL SBIR is looking at leveraging rapid trajectory planning approaches for fast RLV mission planning.
o Current AFRL BAA with Honywell to bench test the integrated system.
• Adaptive Control of Synthetic Jet Arrays with Unknown Nonlinearities: Virtually shape airfoil at low angles of attack and control flow separation at high angles of attack. Work is proceeding toward wind-tunnel demonstrations.
• Turbulence Estimation for Reduced Pilot Workload during Shipboard Operations: Adaptive models of turbulence are integrated in a rotorcraft control law to provide gust alleviation and reduce pilot workload during shipboard operations.
• Generic Software Wrappers for Runtime V&V: Software wrappers monitor safety-critical systems and handle switching to reversionary modes when the software or algorithm fails.
• Real-Time Estimation of Stability Margins
• Automatic Updating of Simulation Databases: Barron Associates continues to develop system identification and modeling tools to update and/or encode simulation databases. Currently, these methods are being applied to F/A-22 & F-35 engine inlet modeling and F-119 engine model calibration.
• Modeling Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics using Polynomial Chaos Expansion: gPC is used to generate models of stochastic processes to (a) guide Monte Carlo simulations and (b) provide bounds on estimates of important aeroelastic characteristics (e.g., flutter margins).
• Propagation of Uncertainty in Anticipatory Exploitation: Apply nonlinear/nongaussian statistical analysis approaches to detect “abnormal” behavior from video images. Of key interest is developing models that learn connections between environmental characterizes and normal behavior (i.e., what’s normal under one set of environmental conditions may be abnormal due to other conditions).

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