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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies Systems Technology Inc.
TitleSystems Technology Inc.
PresenterDavid Klyde
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractFor Meeting #101 of the Aerospace Guidance and Control Systems Committee, Systems Technology, Inc. (STI) is pleased to present short summaries of two new Phase I Small Business Innovation Research programs that are both being conducted for NASA and the Army. The first program is entitled “Aeroelastic Uncertainty Analysis Toolbox” and this update focuses on a 2DOF wing example problem. The second program is entitled “the Free Fall Analysis and Simulation Tool (FAST)” and this update focuses on the Phase I the CFD analysis.
Aeroelastic Uncertainty Analysis Toolbox
Flutter is a potentially explosive phenomenon that is the result of the simultaneous interaction of aerodynamic, structural, and inertial forces. The analytical prediction of flutter in the transonic regime requires high fidelity simulation models that are computationally expensive. Due to the computational demands, traditional uncertainty analysis is not often applied to flutter prediction, resulting in reduced confidence in the results. This Phase I research is aimed at exploring methods to reduce the previous computational time limitations of traditional uncertainty analysis. To dramatically reduce the computational burden of uncertainty analysis, Systems Technology, Inc. proposes to investigate both the coupling of Design of Experiment (DOE) and Response Surface Methods (RSM), and the application of robust stability techniques, namely ì-analysis. Using Reduced Order Models (ROM), the DOE/RSM and ì-analysis approaches will be compared to traditional Monte Carlo based stochastic simulation. The result of the Phase I program will be to demonstrate the utility of the core elements of an Aeroelastic Uncertainty Analysis Toolbox (AUAT). AUAT will contain multiple methods for addressing flutter uncertainty analysis, coupled with a state-of-the-art nonlinear aeroelastic code.
The Free Fall Analysis and Simulation Tool (FAST)
Systems Technology, Incorporated (STI) is developing the Free Fall Analysis and Simulation Tool (FAST) to bring the power of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to the analysis of the aerodynamics and dynamics of parachutists in freefall. This work is being done under a Phase I SBIR for the US Army Soldier Systems Center (COR Jason Craley). The primary application will be in the design of new free fall equipment and techniques. A key objective of the FAST development will be to provide a highly specialized and very efficient tool that is relatively easy to use by analysts with limited background in aerodynamics and dynamics. FAST will consist of three primary modules: the Aerodynamics Module which contains the CFD element, a Dynamics and Control Module and a Digital Manikin Module, which simplifies the generation of parameter values for the other two modules. The CFD component is being developed by Cartesian Flow Solutions (Dr. Rajat Mittal). The ViCar3D CFD component implements the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) which will greatly simplify grid generation for the end user and ultimately provide a unique capability for dealing with complex body motions. The Digital Manikin will allow the FAST user to simply specify a parachutist’s height, weight and equipment suite and have the surface geometry for CFD grid generation and the mass properties for dynamic analysis automatically generated. Arms and legs will be positioned within bio-kinematic constraints from a graphical display of the manikin.

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