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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 102 - Niagara Falls - October 2008
6.3 Micro Air Vehicle Flight in GPS-Denied Environments: Planning in Information Space
TitleMicro Air Vehicle Flight in GPS-Denied Environments: Planning in Information Space
PresenterNicholas Roy
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractUnmanned air vehicles (UAVs) rely heavily on accurate knowledge of their position for decision-making and control. As a result, considerable investment has been made towards improving the availability of global positioning infrastructure, including utilizing satellite-based GPS system and developing algorithms to leverage existing RF signals such as WiFi. However, most indoor environments and many parts of the urban canyon remain without access to external positioning systems. Autonomous UAVs thus currently have limited ability to fly through these areas.

I will describe the navigation system for a quadrotor helicopter flying autonomously without GPS using a laser range-finder capable of estimating position, yaw angle and altitude information by sensing the environment. I will also describe the Belief Roadmap algorithm and show how it can be used to plan trajectories through the environment that incorporate a predictive model of the limited field of view of the sensor, allowing the planner to accurately plan trajectories through indoor environments.

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