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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 102 - Niagara Falls - October 2008
4.1 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.1.1 Research Institutes and Companies Hoh Aeronautics
TitleHoh Aeronautics
PresenterDave Mitchell
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractHAI is in the final reporting stages on a two-year Small Business Innovation Research program for the US Navy. The research effort focused on new handling qualities requirements for very large cargo helicopters – especially for operations with slung loads – maritime operations, and rotary-wing UAVs. The outcomes of this program are recommended revisions to the handling qualities specification ADS-33E-PRF, and an expert assistant, ASAP, the ADS-33 Software Assistance Package. ASAP currently runs on MATLAB and provides guidance to the user in interpreting requirements of ADS-33E-PRF. A second research program, just starting year two, is a two-year NASA Research Announcement investigating the effects of time-varying rotorcraft dynamics on pilot control. Along with Systems Technology, Inc., and NASA Ames, HAI is developing wavelet methods and analytical criteria to determine the maximum tolerable levels of higher-order oscillatory dynamics. Such oscillatory modes may be due to rotor/flex modes, failures of advanced control modes such as On-Blade Control, or slung loads. A piloted simulation on the NASA Ames Vertical Motion Simulator will take place in February, with a final report due September 2009.

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