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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 105 - Lake Tahoe - March 2010
5.2 The DARPA Vulture Project
TitleThe DARPA Vulture Project
PresenterChris Martin
AffiliationInstitute for Defense Analysis
Available Downloads*none
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractIn the Vulture Phase I program, DARPA identified innovative solutions that expanded the knowledge base and design capabilities for an uninterrupted five (5) year airborne payload-on-station system. Other than the usual list of issues with a solar powered, high altitude, multi-year airplane (things such as subsystem reliability, thermal management, materials, or energy collection and storage), aircraft flight dynamics and aeroelasticity is a key design and flight consideration. Within aircraft flight dynamics and aeroelasticity, there are numerous issues with very large, very light aircraft structures which are not seen in traditional aircraft. These issues include nonlinear aeroelastic response; coupled flight dynamics and structural dynamics; catastrophic aircraft gust response; uncertain atmospheric flight conditions; limited verified and validated analytical tools; and limited ground test infrastructure appropriate to support high altitude, long endurance (HALE) aircraft.

This briefing will provide a short summary of DARPA Vulture Phase 1, a background on HALE aircraft, and a discussion of the problem areas for HALE aircraft design and analysis, especially as related to aeroelastics and flight dynamics.

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