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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 106 - La Jolla - October 2010
8.2 Smart Adaptive Flight Effective Cue (SAFE-Cue)
TitleSmart Adaptive Flight Effective Cue (SAFE-Cue)
PresenterDave Klyde
AffiliationSystems Technology, Inc.
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractDavid Klyde

The Smart Adaptive Flight Effective Cue or SAFE-Cue has been developed in this program to address the challenge of adverse pilot interactions with an adaptive control system. This innovative cueing system provides force feedback to the pilot via an active control inceptor with corresponding command path gain adjustments to alert the pilot that the adaptive control system is active and provide guidance via force feedback cues to ensure pilot-vehicle system stability and performance in the presence of damage or failures. While the focus herein is on an adaptive controller, the SAFE-Cue concept is completely general and can therefore be applied to any flight control system implementation as a means to mitigate loss of control. The full scale NASA Generic Transport Model was combined with the Receding Horizon Optimal/Modified Sequential Least Squares (RHO/MSLS) adaptive control algorithm to provide the means to develop and demonstrate the SAFE-Cue system in Phase 1. The SAFE-Cue activates when the measured System Error between a model-based nominal system response and the actual adaptive control system response exceeds a defined threshold. A piloted simulation was conducted with two test pilots with significant transport aircraft experience. The results of the simulation found that pitch rate System Error measure was an effective means of distinguishing performance of the adaptive system with failure/damage and a nominal (healthy) system. Furthermore, the SAFE-Cue system was very effective at suppressing pilot-vehicle system oscillations for the given failure/damage scenarios, allowing the pilots to focus on the task at hand rather than simply maintaining control.

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