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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 106 - La Jolla - October 2010
5.3 Flight Deck Systems for Better-than-Visual Operations
TitleFlight Deck Systems for Better-than-Visual Operations
PresenterSteve Young
AffiliationNASA Langley
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractFlight Deck Systems for Better-than-Visual Operations – Steven D. Young, PhD,
Randall E. Bailey, NASA Langley Research Center

Methods for piloting and managing flights will change dramatically over the coming decades. While many aircraft may have the same general configurations, their trajectories may be defined in distinctly new ways, including complex, frequently-changing specifications providing optimal efficiency, minimal environmental impact, and flight relative to other aircraft. Similarly, pilots’ tasks may expand to include collaboration and negotiation with other aircraft and with air traffic controllers, and may require managing large disparate sets of information to support a wide range of decisions made both individually and collaboratively. Current projections also prescribe an increased use of automation, much of which will need to interact with, and support, the cognitive activities of pilots.

A “Better-Than-Visual” (BTV) concept of operations is described to proactively address these future changes, and to recognize that current levels of operational performance and safety can be improved upon – even in good visibility conditions. Emerging developments are presented that support this premise along with a research approach to fill remaining gaps. Capability targets for BTV include: (1) an Equivalent Visual Operations capability that enables VFR-like procedures to be used in all weather conditions and at VMC flow rates; (2) an Enhanced Visual capability that allows the crew to “see-and-avoid” or mitigate hazards that are invisible to the crew (e.g. wake vortices, closed runways, restricted airspace); and (3) a NextGen Operations capability that increases information availability and enables 4D trajectory-based navigation. Each of these is described along with relevant results of NASA-led studies that are being used to refine, revise, and mature the initial concept.

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