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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 95 - Salt Lake City - March 2005
8.4 Capability Focused Technology Investment
TitleCapability Focused Technology Investment
PresenterDan Thompson
AffiliationAFRL Dayton
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractIn FY04, the Air Vehicle Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory began a process to convert its planning to be capability-based, i.e. more end user focussed by articulating the technology deliverables in terms of warfighter capabilities. Over the course of FY04, the Air Vehicle Directorate evolved a set of seven capability vectors, as well as their enabling attributes, i.e. the measurable characteristics that make up the capability. Further, the key technology products that comprise each attribute were derived. This capbility/attribute/product construct allows the Air Vehicles Directorate to more clearly describe technology contributions towards end-user application, in warfighter terms, while also addressing capability and attribute costs, and TRL 6 technology transition time frames.

This presentation discusses a recent “snap-shot” of the state of progress for the CFTI planning process.

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