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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
9.4 Control Challenges of Realizing a Soft-Winged Aerial Robot that Can Fly Like a Bat
TitleControl Challenges of Realizing a Soft-Winged Aerial Robot that Can Fly Like a Bat
PresenterSoon-Jo Chung
AffiliationUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Available Downloads*presentation
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Control Challenges of Realizing a Soft-Winged Aerial Robot that Can Fly like a Bat
Soon-Jo Chung
University of Illinois

Rapid proliferation of reliable quadrotor platforms has resulted in a boom in robotic flight research, including many demonstrations of agile maneuvers in complex environments. However, quadrotors have issues of safety, high noise levels, and low efficiency for forward flight. Furthermore, quadrotors cannot fly in strong wind without unacceptable modifications to the rotor size and speed. This talk gives an overview of technical challenges in developing a mature flapping aerial robot platform from the dynamics and controls standpoint.

We study the stability of coupled nonlinear oscillators by using contraction analysis, a relatively new nonlinear stability tool, to prove that flapping-flying dynamics without traditional aerodynamic control surfaces can be effectively controlled by a reduced set of central pattern generator parameters that generate complex 3D oscillatory motions of two main wings. This talk also presents a boundary control formulation of controlling flexible wings described by PDEs and whose output is given by a spatial integral of weighted functions of the state. We prove that the closed loop system is L2-stable using Lyapunov theory applied to PDEs. Motion planning is used to design a tracking controller whose signal is added to the stabilizing signal derived from backstepping. For wing bending, we present a novel control scheme where a motion planning-based tracker is designed for a perturbation observer which uses an adaptive scheme to estimate external forces.

About the speaker:

Soon-Jo Chung is an assistant professor of aerospace engineering. His research is funded by ARO, AFOSR, NASA, JPL, JDTIC, and ONR, in the areas of flexible robotics, controls of MAV/UAVs, spacecraft swarms, and vision-based navigation. His honors include the first place prize in the AIAA national undergraduate team space design competition (as faculty advisor), AFOSR Young Investigator Award, NASA JPL Summer Faculty Fellow (twice), and two best paper awards from IEEE and AIAA.

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