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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
8.1 NESC Independent Review of the Constellation Program Ares I Control Sensitivity to Orion Service Module (SM) Tank Slosh Dynamics
TitleNESC Independent Review of the Constellation Program Ares I Control Sensitivity to Orion Service Module (SM) Tank Slosh Dynamics
PresenterKen Lebsock
AffiliationOrbital Sciences
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractNESC Independent Review of the Constellation Program Ares I Control Sensitivity to Orion Service Module Propellant Tank Slosh Dynamics
Presented by Ken Lebsock

In 2010 the NESC performed an assessment of the de-stabilizing impact of the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Service Module propellant slosh dynamics on the Ares-1 crew launch vehicle Flight Control System (FCS). Concerns had been raised about the Ares-1 boost phase stability and control because the standard frequency-domain synthesis methods could not yield a FCS design with sufficient gain and phase stability robustness margins which also met the performance requirements.

The assessment prompted a follow-up investigation into how NASA and industry have historically addressed regions of instability or violations of margin requirements. When stability robustness margin requirements cannot be satisfied using frequency-domain methods, alternative methods are then needed to ensure that deficient stability margins do not present a high-risk of a flight control issue (e.g. loss of control) during the mission. Four of these alternative methods are presented as Lessons Re-Learned.

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