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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
8.4 Status of Precision Guided Projectiles Programs
TitleStatus of Precision Guided Projectiles Programs ** Best Presentation Award **
PresenterJohn Weyrauch
Available Downloads*presentation1
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAbstract for
“Status of Precision Guided Projectiles Programs,” John Weyrauch, ATK

The status of two major ATK precision guided projectiles programs – Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) and Advanced Precision Mortar Munition (APMI) was presented. The PGK concept is a guidance package that is a screw on replacement fuze for existing 155mm artillery projectiles. Hundreds of guidance kits and been built and tested on 3 different projectile types 549, 795, and 107. The system is performing far above expectations in guidance accuracy and is nearing completion of EMD. The APMI program is to develop a precision guided all-up 120mm smooth bore mortar round. ATK won a competitive down select with an approach based on the PGK for guidance, use of standard 934 mortar bodies, and tail-fins developed for the PGMM guided mortar program. The system was developed and tested in 12 months and is currently fielded and in use by US forces in Afghanistan as an Urgent Material Release weapon.

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