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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
6.1 Mitigating a Potential Hazardous Icing Encounter using ICEPRO
TitleMitigating a Potential Hazardous Icing Encounter using ICEPRO
PresenterBorja Martos
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractMitigating a Potential Hazardous Icing Encounter using ICEPRO
Borja Martos, UTSI

Fatal loss-of-control (LOC) accidents have been directly related to in-flight airframe icing. The prototype system presented in this meeting directly addresses the need for real-time onboard envelope protection in icing conditions. The combinations of a-priori information and real-time aerodynamic estimations are shown to provide sufficient input for determining safe limits of the flight envelope during in-flight icing encounters. The Icing Contamination Envelope Protection (ICEPro) system was therefore designed and implemented to identify degradations in airplane performance and flying qualities resulting from ice contamination and provide safe flight-envelope cues to the pilot. The utility of ICEPro system for mitigating a potentially hazardous icing condition was evaluated by 29 pilots using the NASA Ice Contamination Effects Flight Training Device (ICEFTD). Results showed that real time assessment cues were effective in reducing the number of potentially hazardous upset events and in lessening exposure to loss of control following an incipient upset condition. Pilot workload with the added ICEPro displays was not measurably affected, but pilot opinion surveys showed that real time cueing greatly improved their situation awareness of a hazardous aircraft state.

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