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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
5.1 Government Agencies Summary Reports
5.1.2 NASA Langley
PresenterCarey Buttrill
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractFlight Dynamics & Control at LaRC
Highlights since March 2011

Carey Buttrill
Gautam Shah


The slides provide a short summary of highlights in the Flight Dynamics and Control (FDC) community at NASA Langley since October 2011. A brief description of the organization at Langley is shown with details about the Research Directorate, and the two branches in the Research Directorate that conduct FDC research. The Efficient Global Aero Modeling methods being developed by Dr. Gene Morelli are shown and a reference given to his most recent paper. Progress on development and documentation of the Uncertainty Quantification Toolbox being developed by Dr. Sean Kenney and his team is described. Some recent trade studies and wind tunnel tests conducted in support of the Multi-Purpose Crew vehicle are described. Dr. Bruce Owens and Dave Raney lead that effort. Aircraft upset modeling has been a significant effort at Langley over the last several years and has led to some recent activity with NAVAIR concerning the P8. John Foster provides details. Finally some recent system identification work by Jay Brandon, GNC lead for Ares I-X, using fuzzy logic and some very recent flight test results are described.

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