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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
5.1 Government Agencies Summary Reports
5.1.2 NASA Glenn
PresenterSanjay Garg
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractNASA GRC Research in Intelligent Propulsion Control and Diagnostics


With the increased emphasis on aircraft safety, enhanced performance and affordability, and the need to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft, there are many new challenges being faced by the designers of aircraft propulsion systems. Also the propulsion systems required to enable the NASA future human space exploration activities in an affordable manner will need to have high reliability, safety and autonomous operation capability. The Controls and Dynamics Branch (CDB) at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Glenn Research Center (GRC) in Cleveland, Ohio, is leading and participating in various projects in partnership with other organizations within GRC and across NASA, the U.S. aerospace industry, and academia to develop advanced controls and health management technologies that will help meet these challenges through the concept of Intelligent Propulsion Systems.

The activities covered in the presentation include: i) The uncertainties in NASA programs going into FY13; ii) NASA Aeronautics program structure and upcoming changes: iii) Overview of CDB activities in support of health management technologies development for the SLS (Space Launch System) program; iv) Summary of the 3rd Propulsion Control and Diagnostics workshop held at GRC recently; v) Update on the engine simulation C-MAPSS40k available through the NASA software repository; vi) Information on a 1 hour lecture video on Fundamentals of Aircraft Engine Control; and vii) Recent work in simulating the compressor icing and engine control interaction which results in thrust rollback phenomenon observed on various aircraft flying at high altitude icing conditions.

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