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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 109 - Salt Lake City - March 2012
5.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
5.2.2 Research Institutions and Companies Mitchell Aerospace Research
TitleMitchell Aerospace Research
PresenterDave Mitchell
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractMitchell Aerospace Research Update

A portable display device for a new rotorcraft handling qualities task has been delivered to US Naval Air Station Patuxent River, MD. The Naval Test Pilot School has been storing the device, consisting primarily of a 5 ft by 9 ft monitor mounted on a trailer, and participated in a test run in February. With the help of Navy engineers, a flight test course was set up on the airfield at Patuxent River, and a TPS instructor pilot was in a helicopter, ready to launch, when a part of the display system failed, and the test was scratched. The contract for this effort, a Phase II.5 Small Business Innovation Research Contract with Hoh Aeronautics, Inc., expires this summer, so there is a race to try to fix the problem and run a test flight before then.

On a separately funded effort, Dave Mitchell is assisting the Air Force Test Pilot School in modernizing their four-month Flying Qualities Phase. For this, Mr. Mitchell is working for Avionics Test and Analysis Corporation (ATAC) of Niceville, FL, one of the JT3 companies with on-site support at Edwards AFB. The revamped FQ Phase will bring the TPS curriculum out of the technological era of the 1950’s to at least the late 1990’s, with a complete overhaul of most of the academics, simulation training, and flight instruction.

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