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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 111 - Reno, Nevada - March 2013
9.2 The Design of the Orion GN&C
TitleThe Design of the Orion GN&C
PresenterMark C. Jackson
AffiliationDraper Laboratory
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAbstract: “Orion Flight Performance Design Trades and GN&C Design”

This presentation includes an overview of the Orion vehicle design to date as well as a status of the current GN&C design for "Exploration Fllight Test One" (EFT-1). The design overview portion focuses on flight dynamics design trades used to close the vehicle design for Mass requirements at PDR. These design trades are important for understanding the current design and direction of the GN&C subsystem and the Orion vehicle in geneal. Four trades are discussed: A launch abort trade, a lunar surface coverage trade, an entry Lift-to-Drag ratio trade and a touchdown heading control trade. These trade results are notionally tied together through a margin balancing exercise to illustrate the pre-PDR design effort. The second portion of the presentation focuses on the EFT-1 design and the GN&C design in particular. An overview of the flight test mission is provided, followed by a brief description of the Navigation, Guidance and Control hardware and software designs with emphasis on unique EFT-1 GN&C challenges. Finally, a summary of planned future Orion test flights, and their GN&C challenges is provided.

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