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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 111 - Reno, Nevada - March 2013
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutions and Companies Calspan
PresenterLou Knotts
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractCurrent work discussed includes the recent flight test project work using the Calspan GIII Gulfstream test bed airplane. One project was an airborne demonstration and flight test of the NGC candidate pod for the Next Generation Jammer program. The electric generation capability of this pod was tested first in the Calspan transonic wind tunnel and then mounted on the GIII for flight test. A second program for the GIII was the test of satellite coverage over the Atlantic and Pacific. A antenna and radome was mounted on the top of the GIII with three flight test engineer stations in the back of the aircraft.

The USAF Test Pilot School Remoted Piloted Vehicle test training curriculum was discussed and Calspan’s role in providing a test bed UAV surrogate aircraft to support this training. Calspan’s variable stability aircraft serve as the test bed and allow the student test pilot to fly the airplane either from the back of the Learjet, or from the AFTPS simulation laboratory. Recent flight tests include implementation of a more capable data link and flight tests of the Learjet from the ground station to a low approach.

One slide was presented to show that Calspan is now investigating follow-on airframe candidates to serve as the host aircraft for our Next Generation variable stability aircraft to replace the Learjet Model 25 aircraft. An Embraer Phenom 100 was recently flown at Melbourne, FL to evaluate it as a potential variable stability aircraft.

Finally, work is continuing to install a Navy style air refueling probe on the nose of VSS Learjet #2. The probe was installed on the aircraft last fall but structural tests showed too much flexure of the Lear nose section structure. Since then, a design to increase the strength of the Lear nose was developed and static tested using our spare Learjet nose section. This design will soon be installed on Learjet #2 in preparation for Navy UCAS Automatic Air Refueling testing later this year.

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