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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 112 - Annapolis, Maryland - October 2013
7.2 Real-Time Convex Optimization for Autonomous GN&C: A Progress Update
TitleReal-Time Convex Optimization for Autonomous GN&C: A Progress Update
PresenterBehcet Acikmese
AffiliationUniversity of Texas at Austin
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractDr. Acikmese's research group at University of Texas at Austin developed the first online optimization based real-time trajectory planning algorithm that flew on NASA Flight Opportunities Program test rocket, call ``Xombie". The algorithm is called G-FOLD (Guidance for Fuel Optimal Large Diverts), which is based on a novel lossless convexification of the optimal control problem associated with the planetary pinpoint landing. This seminar will discuss the theoretical foundations of the algorithm and the development of the real-time optimization algorithm that executed autonomously onboard the rocket. The key method that enabled the real-time execution of the algorithm is the development of a ``custom Interior Point Method" (IPM) specifically for this class of problems. This increased computation speed more than 2 orders of magnitude, bringing down the computation times to below 100 ms on the flight computer.

Convexification techniques with real-time custom IPMs can enable solution of many useful optimal control and optimization problems onboard unmanned vehicles, enabling much greater autonomy than currently possible, and providing high mission performance. We also present several interesting application examples from aerospace engineering.

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