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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 96 - Hilton Head - October 2005
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.2 Research Institutes and Companies Honeywell Tech Center
TitleHoneywell Tech Center
PresenterSanjay Parthasarathy
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractThis talk reviews significant milestones accomplished at Honeywell’s Aerospace Center of Excellence in Guidance, Navigation and Control, since the 2005 Spring meeting of ACGSC (# 95).

1) iPINS – personal navigator system. Honeywell completed a successful demonstration of a personal navigation system under a DARPA seedling program. Inertial navigation sensors, dead reckoning, time-of-arrival and gait analysis algorithms were used to locate a soldier to acceptable positional accuracy.

2) Autonomous systems – Highlights since March from some programs at Honeywell in intelligent autonomy are listed below:

Micro-Air Vehicle (MAV): The MAV (a backpackable ducted-fan UAV) developed under a DARPA-ACTD program is now being tested by soldiers at Ft. Benning and Schofield. Autonomous operations were conducted, with a range of at least 8.5km.

Organic Air Vehicle (OAV-2): Phase 2 of this DARPA program commenced in July. The focus will continue on collision avoidance algorithms and demonstrations. During Phase 1 of the program, various sensor modalities were evaluated to detect 6mm wires at 50+m, and path-planning and collision avoidance algorithms were developed and simulated. Under Phase 2, the collision avoidance sensor and algorithms will be demonstrated in-flight on a surrogate vehicle. Simultaneously, the design of the vehicle and its flight control systems is progressing as planned.

HURT program: (Heterogeneous Urban RSTA Teams) – This DARPA program led by Northrop Grumman was kicked-off early January. HURT aims to provide on-demand reconnaissance using multiple UAVs in urban environments. Honeywell provides the planning and control modules for this program. The first demonstration was held Sept 22 at Victorville, CA, wherein Honeywell provided vehicle tracking and surveillance algorithms integrated into the HURT ground control station. 4 small UAVs were used in the demonstration – 2 pointers, 1 raven and 1 Yamaha R-Max.
The HURT system autonomously prioritized each RSTA request and directed the most suitable UAV to the location for a closer look while maintaining continuous broad-area surveillance by the other UAVs.

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