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2015 Dave Ward Memorial Lecture Award
Presented to Dr. Girish Chowdhary

The 2015 Ward Memorial Award winner Dr. Girish Chowdhary shows the plaque he just received from ACGSC Chair Dr. Philip Hattis to recognize Dr. Chowdhary's technical accomplishments as a young professional.

The 2015 Ward Memorial Award went to Dr. Girish Chowdhary for outstanding contributions in developing algorithms, theory, and hardware towards “plug & adapt” adaptive autopilot systems by advancing concurrent learning and Bayesian adaptive control , and by providing learning guarantees, guaranteed stability, and performance bounds during the transient phase.

Dr. Chowdhary is an Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University, previously serving as a postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He holds a B.E. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, as well as M.S. and PhD. degrees in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Among his interests are large-scale and long-term collaborative autonomy, adaptive optimal control/decision making, perception/localization/mapping including in a GPS-denied environments, as well as guidance, navigation, and control for manned and unmanned aircraft.

The 2015 Ward Memorial Award winner Dr. Girish Chowdhary stands at center with the 2014 winner Dr. Riccardo Bevilacqua to his left and the 2011 winner Jeb Orr to his right.

Archive of All Ward Award Winners:

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